Writing Workshop Logo


June 28 - August 13 (Closed July 4)

Mondays, 10-12, 1-3pm - Online

Tuesdays, 10-12, 1-2:30pm - Online

Wednesdays, 10:30-12, 1-3:30 - In-Person

Thursdays, 10:30-12, 1:00-3:00pm - In-person


Welcome, students!

Create or log in to your account using your @umich.edu email address to:

-View Writing Workshop schedule, make and manage your appointments, and use the waitlist feature.


Spring 2024 Writing Workshop Schedule - Available to both Undergraduate and Graduate Students

Students can schedule appointments up to seven calendar days in advance. Please note that we can allow only one scheduled appointment per week, in order for Sweetland to help as many students as possible.


            One 30-minute appointment per week.   Maximum of 15 appointments per full term.

            Graduate Students are current UM students in a recognized Masters or Doctoral program at UM, NOT recent graduates of undergraduate UM programs.

            One 60-minute appointment per week or two 30-minute appointments per week. Maximum of 7 hours of appointments per full term.

            Recent Graduates are not eligible for Writing Workshop appointments, but are welcome to schedule an appointment with the Peer Writing Center.



If you need to modify or cancel your appointment, please do so at least 60 minutes prior to your appointment time to make space for other students seeking appointments.

Arriving on time ensures that you and the consultant will have ample time to discuss your writing. If you are 10 or more minutes late, we cannot work with you effectively, and we will need to cancel your appointment. You are still welcome to use Sweetland’s walk-in services.

Undergraduates, if you are seeking assistance with cover letters, resumes, personal statements, application materials, or other non-course-related writing, please visit our Peer Writing Center. See our Undergraduate Writing Support page for full information.

Graduates, you may bring in course assignments, dissertation chapters, conference papers, articles, research proposals and fellowship statements.  We cannot work on complete applications, cover letters or resumes.   See our Graduate Writing Support page for full information.

If you are disabled, please let us know what you may need to have an effective WW consultation. It would help us greatly if you give us advance notice by emailing sweetlandww@umich.edu about any steps we could take to make this consultation fully accessible for you.

Please note that consultants may need to end online appointments 5 minutes prior to the half-hour or hour to prepare for the next online consultation. Thank you for understanding. 

In the event you or the consultant lose power or internet connectivity during your online appointment, please attempt to reconnect to the appointment, as long as there is time remaining in your original appointment time slot. If reconnecting fails, your session will end at that time and you will be able to reschedule. Please email sweetlandww@umich.edu to notify Sweetland's Writing Workshop Coordinator that your appointment was disconnected prematurely due to power or internet connectivity issues and that you would like to schedule another appointment.  

We look forward to meeting with you!
